Can I Recover From Hearing Loss?

Asian woman drinking coffee and straining to hear the birds outside.

The human body has some amazing and surprising abilities. Scratches, cuts, and broken bones are normally no problem for the human body to repair (with a bit of time, your body can heal the huge bones in your legs and arms).

But you won’t be so lucky if the delicate hairs in your ears are compromised. At least, so far.

It doesn’t seem quite fair when you can recover from significant bone injuries but you can’t heal tiny hairs in your ear. What’s happening there?

When is Hearing Loss Permanent?

So, let’s get right to it. You’re at your doctor’s office attempting to process the news he’s giving you: you’re losing your hearing. So the first question you ask is whether the hearing will ever come back. And the answer is… it depends.

It’s a bit anticlimactic, speaking dramatically.

But he isn’t wrong. There are two basic forms of hearing loss:

  • Damage induced hearing loss: But there’s another, more common type of hearing loss. This form of hearing loss, called sensorineural hearing loss, is permanent. This is how it works: there are tiny hairs in your ear that vibrate when hit with moving air (sound waves). Your brain is good at turning these vibrations into the sounds you hear. But loud sounds can cause damage to the hairs and, over time, diminish your hearing to the point where you need treatment.
  • Blockage induced hearing loss: When there’s something blocking your ear canal, you can show all the symptoms of hearing loss. This obstruction can be caused by a number of things, from the gross (ear wax) to the downright scary (tumors). The good news is that once the blockage is removed, your hearing often returns to normal.

So here’s the main point: you can recover from one type of hearing loss and you most likely won’t know which one you’re coping with without having a hearing exam.

Treating Hearing Loss

So presently there’s no “cure” for sensorineural hearing loss (though scientists are working on it). But your hearing loss still might be manageable. Here are some ways that the right treatment might help you:

  • Maintain and protect the hearing you have left.
  • Successfully cope with any of the symptoms of hearing loss you might be enduring.
  • Help ward off mental decline.
  • Avoid isolation by remaining socially active.
  • Maintain a high quality of life.

Of the many types of treatment available, which one is the right choice for you depends on the severity of your hearing loss. One of the most prevalent treatments is fairly simple: hearing aids.

Why Are Hearing Aids a Smart Treatment For Hearing Loss?

You can get back to the people and things you love with the assistance of hearing aids. They can help you hear the conversation, the phone, your television, or even just the birds in the park. You will no longer be struggling to hear so pressure will be removed from your brain.

Prevention is The Best Protection

Loud noises and other things that would harm your hearing should be avoided and your ears should be protected against them. Hearing well is critical to your general health and well-being. Routine hearing care, such as annual hearing exams, is just another kind of self-care.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.